Company contact details

Official name: IPHOSTER OÜ

Registration code: 14415348

D-U-N-S: check

Legal address: Estonia, Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Vesivärava tn 50-201, 10152

Company account: LT773500010003351646

Swift code: EVIULT2VXXX

Bank code: 35000

Bank's name: "Paysera LT", UAB

Bank's address: Pilaitės pr. 16, LT-04352, Вильнюс, Литва

To pay bills, use the form in the billing panel!

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About Us

IPhoster was founded in 2007, for almost 14 years we have been working in the field of hosting services and domain registration. Hosting from IPhoster is not just a banal sale of server resources, we create new and innovative hosting every day at an affordable price! Perhaps this motto has been from the very beginning of the foundation of the company. We are principled in this matter, it is very important for us to get a result for our client in two main parameters - this is an affordable price and high quality of the services provided! In addition to enthusiasm and inspiration, we certainly regularly update software, perform 24/7 real-time monitoring, analyze traffic to prevent ddos ​​attacks, regularly check content of any kind posted on our network for copyright infringement, phishing, spam prevention of any kind and other violations.

Each customer who has contacted us is not just another client, we actually don’t really like this overused word. People using IPhoster services are our like-minded people who value the same thing that we value - availability and quality. These are those whose confidence and calmness we sincerely value, these are our partners, whose convenience we think about all the time.

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Transparent terms

We really appreciate the cooperation with our service users and therefore we give an excellent opportunity to earn money on the affiliate program, because our conditions are very simple and transparent, we do not charge any commissions for the withdrawal of affiliate funds, there are no hidden fees, and we will take the commission for the withdrawal of funds . Thus, some clients not only use our services for free, but also withdraw funds to their account.

How to start earning?

You just need to place your affiliate link or banner on your site so that a person who visits the site can follow the link and buy services on our site, the system will automatically credit funds to your affiliate account.

Where can I get an affiliate link?

Affiliate link is unique for each partner, it is located in the Services control panel, in the “Partnership” section. You can place just a small link at the bottom of the site, we are sure that it will not violate your site design, but on the contrary will help save you money.

Interest rates

service type percent minimum amount
hosting 7% $0.0700
vds 5% $0.0975
dedicated 1% $0.1500
domains 1% $0.0324
addons 1% $0.0200
shop 1% $0.0700
reseller 5% $
Funds are credited to your balance from the invoice actually paid by the client.
In some cases, individual interest rates may apply.

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